You earn driving record points whenever you are found guilty of disobeying traffic laws. The amount of points earned is based on the severity of the offense. View the points table below. As you accumulate points your insurance rates go up, and you could possibly lose your license.
License Suspension:
- If you accumulate 4 points or more in 12 months, the Missouri Department of Revenue will send you a warning letter stating that you are in danger of losing your driving privileges.
- If you accumulate 8 points or more in 18 months, your driver’s license will be suspended for 30 days. If you’ve previously had your driver’s license suspended for accumulating too many points, you’ll lose your driving privileges for:
- 60 days on the 2nd suspension.
AND - 90 days on any subsequent suspensions.
- 60 days on the 2nd suspension.
- If you accumulate 12 points or more in 12 months, 18 points or more in 24 months, or 24 points or more in 36 months, your Missouri driver’s license will be revoked for 1 year.
You cannot drive while your Missouri driver’s license is suspended unless you’ve applied for a limited driving privilege permit. This permit allows you to drive to school, work, doctor’s appointments, or other essential activities. However, not all drivers are eligible to receive such a permit. (We can help you if you are eligible)
Whenever you need or want to check the status of your Missouri driver’s license, you can order a driving record report. This record will show whether your driver’s license is currently valid. Should your Missouri driver’s license have been revoked or suspended, the report will indicate that according to what the Missouri DMV has on record. Your driving record will also show how many points you have against your license and, in some cases, information on any accidents you have had.
If you’ve received a traffic ticket and don’t want to points on your record, give Tad Morlan a call. We can help take care of the tickets for you so you can avoid the points on your record and the increase in insurance rates. Submit your ticket here.