Is your lead foot a problem? Even going a couple of miles over the posted speed limit can lead to dangerous situations on the road. The faster you are traveling, the less time (and space) ...
My license was suspended, now what?
Driving is a daily part of life for most of us. A license suspension or revocation may cause substantial hardship by preventing driving to work, school, medical appointments, banking, or groceries. Fi...
What happens to my Commercial License if I get a ticket?
In Missouri, a commercial drivers license (CDL) holder is permitted to operate a commercial and non-commercial vehicle under a single license. There is no distinction between a private and commercial ...
What is Road Rage & Tips to Combat it
If you have ever driven on a public roadway, you have likely been frustrated at some point. Perhaps someone cut you off, ran a stop sign next to you, merged improperly, etc. But the line b...
Should I record when I get pulled over?
If you get pulled over for a traffic violation, do you have the right to record the police officer on your cell phone? The short answer is yes. Federal courts have ruled that police officers hav...
Red-Light Cameras
Did you know that the average person in the United States gets 3 traffic camera tickets per year? Some states that have bigger cities (like New York and Chicago) have installed more than 300 red-light...
Top 8 Accidents involving Teens
After spending years protecting your children from all sorts of dangers on the road and off, you now face the prospect of handing them the keys to the family car. It is time for them to learn ho...
What does it mean to register your car?
After buying a vehicle, it may seem like your work is done, but one of the most important tasks to tackle afterward is vehicle registration. There is some misconceptions that registering your vehicle ...
Things you need on a Road Trip
Summer is here! Maybe you are a road trip pro, or this is your first long distance road trip, either way, we are sharing some tips and tricks we have learned over the years. The absolute essentials yo...
Raising a Safe Teen Driver
A major milestone in your teens life as they inch their way into adulthood is getting their driver’s license. Although this provides more freedom for your teen, this privilege comes with a lot of re...