It’s Work Zone Awareness Week and what better way to wrap it up than with some tips? Work zones have become such a common sighting to drivers that many times they pay no heed to the warnings (slow down, watch for workers, etc). Unfortunately, this is why so many workers have been hit on the road. According to MoDot, 16 people were killed in Missouri road work zones last year alone. Spreading awareness of this problem can help workers stay safer across Missouri.
SLOW DOWN! This is probably the most important tip we can give you. Drivers that speed through construction zones don’t have the reaction time necessary to avoid workers or swerve to avoid tools. As soon as you see work zone signs, give yourself lots of time to adjust your speed.
Put that phone down! It’s a known fact that when drivers are distracted by phones, they are more likely to get into accidents. Workers are constantly moving around the road and staying away from your phone will help you acknowledge where they are and how you can safely get by.
Stay attentive! Driving through construction zones can get extremely congested, so be aware of the drivers around you as well. Traffic can be very touch and go in these areas, so watch for brake lights up ahead. Never cut through traffic on the shoulder, and be aware that even if you’re late, at least you didn’t get into an accident.
Plan your drive! Many large road construction jobs will be posted weeks (or even months) in advance so commuters are aware of the expected traffic delays. Reroute your drive through a different roadway so you don’t have to go through the work zone, deal with traffic, or worry about being late to work.
Leave early for your drive to work so you can have time for unexpected traffic or work zones. As Work Zone Awareness Week comes to a close, think of all the ways you can be safer when driving through construction areas on the roadways! Hitting a worker is quite often a very serious offense and can be a deadly accident. If you have been in an accident involving a work zone (or received a ticket when driving through), contact Tad Morlan today to see how he can fight for you!